Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Holidays Always Get So Busy!

     Reiner is just about 16 weeks now! I didn't mean to leave the blog for so long! He's really growing fast- all in 6 month clothes now. Jared and I cleaned out our room last weekend, and packed away all of his nb-3 month clothes (most of them were already boxed, we just stored them in the crawl space).

     Christmas time is always such a busy time for us, and that was BEFORE we had a baby. He didn't add TOO much to it, but it just meant more planning ahead. We had the same general routine of the other years :) Christmas Eve, we head to Kitchener to have dinner with Jared's Grandma and Grandpa, then we go to the church service, and end the night off here (at Jared's parents') with eggnog, and a movie. We had to duck out early on the movie this year (we were SO tired, and had an early morning).

     Christmas morning, we headed over to my parents' for presents :) (stopped at mcdonald's for coffees first). Then headed back here for Brunch, and lastly, dinner at my Gram and Gramps'. Reiner got so spoiled!  He got so many lovely things from everyone :) We've finally had space to set out some of his toys (play mats and such), and used the last of the babies'r'us gift cards on an exersaucer (which he LOVES).

     Reiner is such a sweet boy! He's always so happy- and really seems to enjoy his toys now :) He has one of those crinkle books that I bring every where with us. He loves to scrunch it, and chew on it. He has a little soccer ball that we take with us a lot as well. At home we have a big foam mat in the family room, where the jolly jumper is, and a couple play mats and his exersaucer in the basement (in our room).

     Reiner giggled for the first time this past weekend! Jason made him laugh- but he hasn't done it again since lol! We try every day though. He still isn't back to a convenient sleeping schedule like he was, but hopefully we're back on our way again. He's started going to bed around 10:30 or 11, and waking up about 3:30 on the dot. He's just not really hungry though, so I'm not sure what that's all about. He wakes up, starts to eat- and then falls asleep again (but seems to sleep really light so it's hard to move him back to his bed). I'm getting better at catching his naps in the daytime now I think- or at least getting better at reading the signs that he's tired. Hopefully this will all sort itself out in due time.

     A couple weeks ago, I pulled a big stupid! I slowly backed the truck into the beemer. How crappy is that!? I still can't believe that I did it. Fortunately, I didn't hit it too hard, but I caught the front corner. Broke the side markers, and wrecked the fender- which bent the hood. For such a stupid little accident- it wrecked enough stuff. The stupidest part is that I'm always afraid of doing something dumb like that- so I'm always checking for cars in the driveway before I back out. Apparently that day was not the case :S, Jared also said later on, that he almost stayed at work for lunch- instead of coming home on his break. I almost stayed home that day too. LAME!

     Tiffany has been off in Hawaii! We miss her dearly, but she seems like she's having a great time! I can't wait to see her when she gets home though (whenever that may be).

     Jared and I have been catching up on our shows. I'm pretty sure we're completely up to date with HIMYM, Breaking Bad, The Office, I feel like there's another one that I can't remember. I've also started watching Pretty Little Liars recently, and I need to get some Grey's Anatomy back in my life ;). Jared and I really love our TV shows haha.

     Anyway- It's about 1:30 and I should be asleep already (seeing as I'll probably be awake in an hour and a half). Night Night!

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