Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Week 36 Update!

Your baby's the size of a honeydew!
She's still in the 17.2- to 18.7-inch and 4.2- to 5.8-pound range and continues to beef up.
  • She's getting closer and closer to being able to breathe on her own.
  • Her skin is getting smooth and soft and her gums are rigid.
  • Her liver and kidneys are in working order.
  • Circulation and immune systems are basically good to go, too.

     I missed the vlog again this week- But I DO have photos! :)

     I'm up to 120 lbs (so gained 18). Still only have the few stretch marks that are coming from my belly button. Sleeps been pretty crap- peeing a lot, can't get comfortable at all.. barely sleeping :( I've also been having really bad backache- so bad that I can't fall asleep :S

     This past weekend Jared and I went to get our maternity photos taken :) I'm really excited to see how they turn out! We got a sneak preview and they look great so far! Went to Niagara Falls as well :) It was awesome! Got to go on Maid of the Mist, and go behind the falls- it's crazy how much water there actually is! We also had dinner in the Skylon Tower (amazing view!), and we visited Fort Erie on our way home on the last day :)

     He's still moving lots! They just keep getting bigger and slower as he grows! He's starting to run out of space. 

     I've been having major cravings for sandwiches this week, coca cola, sweet things, water. No aversions to report! :)

     The past week or so, I've been getting heartburn at like 3 am. It wakes me up- and it sucks! Luckily, I keep a bottle of tums on my headboard. Lots of backache- like sudden cramps, they're really painful, I always catch myself holding my breath a little because they just creep in and last anywhere from 2 to 5 minutes... a couple times they were there for like 1/2 hour at a time :( My hips have been cracking a little bit, like they're popping out.

     I put these under labour signs, but I'm not totally sure? I think they're gearing up for when baby decides to come. He's really low, been having some lower cramping, some pressure at times, and a very frequent bathroom schedule :S.

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